Notes on Translation

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Notes on Translation

1. Full translation of the approved project plan and budget is required; this full translation should be attached in PlanWin alongside the approved project plan in the original language.


2. It is perfectly acceptable to have project narrative and financial progress reports translated in full  For projects funded by external back donors, full translation of project progress reports will typically be needed. At the same time, however, some progress reports will contain extraneous information; in these cases, an English summary of key information from the progress report will be just as valuable, if possibly more valuable (see below).


3. If the  project progress report is not being translated in full, then the following will happen:


 a) The material from the outcomes tables and project stories will be translated and  pasted into the corresponding PlanWin breakout fields.


 b) In addition to that, programs will produce summaries of project progress reports submitted in languages other than English.

These summaries will:

distil key changes/developments as identified in the progress reports (highlighting changes in the following fields: context, key changes/project adjustments, monitoring, learnings, and participant type/number)

include translation of significant variances in project expenditure reports; this may be included in the financial report rather than the summary report. Further translation of financial expenditure reports is not required.

be attached in the same node where the full progress report in the original language is attached.


4. Further summary or translation may be required if someone from a relevant MCC department has specific follow-up questions based on reading through the progress report summary.


5. The MCC Comments field in PlanWin will be reserved for MCC program staff reflections on and analysis of project progress: it is not a place to cut-and-paste summaries or translations from project progress reports.